Sunday, March 4, 2012

On Tap at BrickStone ...

BrickStone Brewery understands the importance of creating great beer. Our handcrafted brews are made right on site. From ales to lagers, BrickStone brews are sure to satisfy. Here's a list of what's currently on tap ...

557 Light Lager 3.8%
A clean crisp American style light lager brewed with the lightest pilsen malt. Lagered at cold temperatures, this brew has a clean finish with just the right amount of noble hops.
Awarded the 2011 Silver Medal in the Indiana Brewers Cup.

Cherry Ale 4.2%
This perfectly balanced fruity ale is brewed with noble hops and sour cherries. It is a delicate tasting luxury designed to explode with flavor.
Awarded the 2011 Silver Medal and 2010 Gold Medal in the Indiana Brewers Cup.

Forbidden Wheat 5.4%
A smooth refreshing Belgian Witbier brewed with Belgian malts, white wheat & a touch of Saaz hops. We add coriander & curaco to the whirlpool for perfect flavor and aroma. Served with an orange slice.

Irish Red Ale 5.5%
A medium bodied Irish Red Ale. A touch of roasted barley gives this brew it's deep dry roasted flavor. Made with caramel malts and hopped with Mt. Hood & East Kent Goldings.

HopSkipNImDrunk  7.5%
A strong pale ale made with citra hops. It is loaded with citrus flavor & aroma and has a golden color with orange hues.

Golden Promise IPA 7.25%
An English style IPA, beautiful deep copper color and an off-white creamy head show off the Earthy Munich malts and caramel undertones. Flavored with four different hop varieties.
Awarded the 2011 Gold Medal in the Indiana Brewers Cup.

These brews are exclusively at BrickStone. But you can always get a growler to enjoy them at home too. Cheers!

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